Although I didn't know you, in a way I believe I did
I saw the God you served in the life you lived

I saw Him when you'd lift your hands and praise Him with all your heart
Nothing that you ever faced could turn you bitter or hard

I saw His light and glory shine as He kept you in His strength
Even in the weakest times His light would never fade

And now that light's still glowing in a special place in my heart
I'll always know how it got there when I look up at the stars

And I will send my praises up and thank the Lord above
For His precious gift of you that He gave to us with love
A Poem for Kelly
by Krystal Kuehn

It was about a year since Kelly Hennig passed away after her diagnosis of a terminal illness.  She was only in her early thirties, married and with two sons.  During the course of that year, Kelly never ceased praising the Lord.  Her struggles didn't weaken her love or destroy her faith in God.  Instead, she drew closer to Him.  Kelly was a remarkable example of a faithful Christian.  Her witness of the Lord Jesus Christ touched many lives in that one year, including mine.  This poem is written in her memory. 
to inspire and encourage
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