to inspire and encourage
Live to Love Poem
by Krystal Kuehn
How do you love me
Is it little or much
Is it all about you
Or is it about us

Is your love for me strong
Or is it weak
Is it more than desire
Is it lasting and free

Is your love patient
Are you willing to wait
As I move at my own pace
And make my mistakes

Is your love kind
An action I see
Something you give
Saying you care about me

Is your love thoughtful
Do you think about me
My wants and needs
And the way that I feel

Is your love gentle
Will you treat me right
And if you are sorry
Say it without a fight

Is your love accepting
Can I be me
If my mistakes hurt you
Will you forgive me

Is your love real
Is it faithful and true
Though not perfect
Can I give my heart to you

Now let it work
The power of love
See what it can do
When you live to love

Copyright 2006 Krystal Kuehn
All Rights Reserved
For permission to use poem email:

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Krystal Kuehn is a psychotherapist and co-founder of New Day Counseling;  Her best-selling ebooks including Live to Love can be found at

Live to Love
by Krystal Kuehn

Discover the 10 key attributes of love and how they are key ingredients to living a life with more love and joy. More Info

Live to Love